Junk Drawer

Junk Drawer
The miscellany — the odds and ends that don’t really fit the other categories. Take a look. There are scribbles, doodles and a few things that saw print. There’s something in there for everyone.
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Driving the big white bus
Jersey Devil
Early printed work
Done on a Commodore 64
Goo-Goo Muck’s final form
London After Midnight
1980s Goo-Goo Muck sketch based on a guy I knew
Goo-Goo Muck sketch from the ’80s
Swimmer’s Ear on WKDU
Jerry Reed, Bruiser and Fried Shrimp Lady
Fried Shrimp Lady
Jersey Devil attempt
Ghouls – nerds of the monster world
Punk with a gun
Jersey Devil attempt
Jersey Devil attempt
Jersey Devil attempt
Goo-Goo Muck
Rat Man
Bell Man and Beverage Boy
Bell Man
Really bad date
Worm’s Warriors
Mr Grimm
Info Tsunami
Info Tsunami
Unused propane art
Worm’s Warriors Tee-shirt
Reaction to local radio
Character from Pat Novak for Hire
Creep colored in Affinity Photo
Resolving to get rid of Netflix
Resolving to get rid of Netflix
Father Time
DUCK! Half of the DUCK & Cover duo
Cover — the other half of the DUCK & Cover duo
Fuzzy alien/Grinch’s Cousin Earl
A reaction to Doug TenNapel’s “Black Cherry”
Halloween costume idea
Photo of sketchbook sketch
Sketchbook sketch colored in Procreate
OCD Lady
OCD Lady
swamp creature
Crayon doodle
Marker Skull
Watercolor doodle
Watercolor zombie doodle
The Count and watercolor doodles
Color Pencil Phantom
Noblot pencil drawing
Progresso (not the soup) color pencils
I hate meddlesome kids
Chambers of Commerce
Chambers of Commerce
Chambers of Commerce
Taws newsletter
Burn-outs 1980
Lovecraftian Halloween Costume
Dagon – Lovecraftian Halloween Costume
Was a werewolf but more of a were-rat
Zombie Quartet
Vampire Lady
Vampire head
Fan art for Cash Grab
Cash-Grab fan art
Cecil fan art
gray brush pen face
brush pen face
Mullet and a beer
Inked drawing of son’s costume
ICE sketch
Ice Sketch
space marines
Happy New Year!
Sound Effect
Modern Mom Magazine Sketch
Sarcastic card I made for an expectant mother in 1996
My son’s lunch
My son’s lunch
My son’s lunch
My son’s lunch
Trying to recreate an old art school project I can’t find.
Sketch for the last issue of Duckwork
Unused Cosmic Maaaaaannnnn anniversary drawing that I inked in to try out my Sailor fountain pen
Zoosh! Sound Effect
Cult of the Cat People
Cosmic Maaaaaannnnn sketch I ended up using.
Try at a logo in sketchbook
More mindless scribbles, but this gives you an idea of the variety of line weights offered by a single Sailor fountain pen
cartoony man
Phantom in ink
Mothman with a new pen
Yet another creature head

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