
It began late in the afternoon, and by this morning we had enough snow for someone to craft this snowman sans corn cob pipe!

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I Was a Teenage Couch Potato

I have a studio with a drafting table, drawing lamp and everything I would need, but it seems inspiration strikes me best when I am sitting on a couch with a sketchbook in my lap while trash streams on my Roku box in the background.

I continue to flesh out the story of the Teenage Beast or The Goo Goo Muck which is sort of a punk version of I Was a Teenage Werewolf. I first started to kick around this idea in the mid-1980s. I think my initial approach to the story like a lot of my art at the time was somewhat half-hearted and tentative. I would be all fired up over an idea one day, and then completely lose my enthusiasm for it the next. Drawings which seemed like good ideas at the time sat unfinished for decades. Stories never went anywhere beyond scribbled notes in some notebooks. I’m not sure if it was a lack of confidence in my ability or not being able to transfer the image in my head down on the paper. I don’t know what I was waiting for because I was a young man with few responsibilities and all of the time in the world. Now almost 40 years later I am regularly and happily filling sketchbook pages edge to edge with inked drawings based on these old ideas.

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Posted in Doodle Tuesday, It Came From the Sketchbook, Weird World of the Roku, What's on TV? | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Double Chocolate Muffins

These double chocolate muffins are just the thing for your Valentine-on-the-go! Moist, rich, denser in texture than a chocolate cupcake, and packed with mini chocolate chips. It’s the perfect little dessert for your loved one! Continue reading

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20250207_115838Shuffle your feet and lose your seat…

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Feline Friday

20250206_151713This photo is so adorable that we are going with a Feline Friday along with a Caturday post tomorrow. So here she is — my work girlfriend — Miss Tortie Fields!

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Tina Garceau • 2016 in review

This is it for 2016. This was the hundredth in a series of Friday Five collages, and Miss Garceau figured that she would end it there. So that is it for 2016 — just the one. This self-portrait was to be the last of the Friday Five series.

No. 100

Being that this is a descending countdown, followers of the site already know that she resumed the series in 2022 and continues on as of this writing.

Posted in Friday Five, Illustration, News, photo manipulation, Photography | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

This is THE END

…or it could be. I may have figured out the end of my story and I am working my way backwards.

Pen and ink drawing of the Teenage Beast going back to hell

The Teenage Beast in a fiery conflagration is sent back to whence it came.

I never planned on revisiting the Teenage Beast character which I cooked up back in the mid-1980s, but I find that is where my pen and my sketchbooks are currently taking me. More than one person has told me that I ought to work it up as a story, possibly a comic book which may not be a bad idea. Continue reading

Posted in Doodle Tuesday, It Came From the Sketchbook | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments