Category Archives: Photography

She’s a Lady

Sign at a city pool restroom!

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Bird on a Step

I didn’t use a zoom lens. I came home to find this little fella sitting on my steps and he didn’t care to move! Eventually, he did fly away – maybe he was admiring my flowers!

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The Dog Days of Summer

We’ve had about a week of temperatures in the nineties, hope things cool down soon!

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Photographing felines in and around Philadelphia Continue reading

Posted in Caturday, Philadelphia, Photography | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Doomsday for PCA?

Last Friday brought the sloppy and shocking announcement that the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA had lost its accreditation and would be closing. After a chaotic week of conflicting and sometimes contradictory announcements from various parties involved and … Continue reading

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