Category Archives: It Came From the Sketchbook

The Absolute Final Issue of DUCKWORK

It may have taken 42 years, but the latest and, sadly, the last issue of DUCKWORK is out!

Posted in Blast from the Past, Illustration, It Came From the Sketchbook, Philadelphia | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tuesday Doodle • Stubborn Strathmore Sketchbook

I finally killed off a small Strathmore sketchbook that was lying around the house. It was picked up years ago while it was most likely on sale. The price was probably too good to resist. I honestly don’t remember. It … Continue reading

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Tuesday Digital Doodle • Comin’ At YA!

Today’s digital doodle was a happy accident I made while playing with Affinity Designer’s step-and-repeat feature. I was playing around with a logo I worked up a while back for J.L. Curtis’s series of science fiction books and seeing how … Continue reading

Posted in Book Design, Doodle Tuesday, Illustration, It Came From the Sketchbook, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Spring Cleaning

The old It CameFrom the Sketchbook page was a bit of a mess that was desperately in need of a polish and shine so I have organized my scribbles into categories. You can start on the landing page HERE where … Continue reading

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Tuesday Digital Doodle • Automaton Powers On

This is another vector doodle I did in Affinity Designer. In preparation for the occasional science fiction book cover I illustrate, I will play with metallic tones and mechanical shapes. I am figuring out how I may approach that starship … Continue reading

Posted in Doodle Tuesday, Illustration, It Came From the Sketchbook, Stuff Joe Likes, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tuesday Digital Doodle • Gritty City

Back in the ’80s, there were a number of guys in art school playing with grayscale textures created by flicking a toothbrush loaded with ink onto a piece of bristol or illustration board. They would carefully cut frisket masks like … Continue reading

Posted in Doodle Tuesday, Illustration, It Came From the Sketchbook, Pixels Versus Pigment, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tuesday Digital Doodle • Type of the Living Dead

Affinity recently updated their whole suite of desktop publishing applications to version 2.4 so I’ve been trying to catch up with some of the new features of these programs. I’ve been mostly playing with Affinity Designer which is their vector … Continue reading

Posted in Doodle Tuesday, Illustration, It Came From the Sketchbook, News, Vector Illustration | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments