
Me not minding my own business. Sketches of people either on the subway, the bus or somewhere out in public. Either I would draw the subject in person trying not to be too obvious about it or committed my victim to memory to draw later.
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Hell’s Virtue Signaler on Wheels
Bathing beauty. Spotted at the Ridgway pool and drawn from memory.
Mutts & Jeffs
Regularly attends zoning meeting
On the Streets
About to pop at the pool
Every Kid from High School
Subway Platform
Cartoon Vermin Fan
Scarf Boy
7th Floor Studio 1985
7th Floor Studio 1985
7th Floor Studio 1985
7th Floor Studio 1985
Modern Midnight Cowboy
Buddy Page — gal on the Market-Frankford El
‘lantic City
‘lantic City
Route 23 Fashion Plate
Tedious Swarthmore Degree Collector

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