A Gathering of WORM’s WARRIORS – Brian C Williams First Annual Benefit For The Fight Against ALS

I had written previously about the fundraiser for my nephew Brian, and I’m back to tell you, dear readers, that it was a tremendous success! The event was held at Duffer’s Tavern this past Saturday, and you couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day or a better crowd. The place was packed and it seemed that everybody was wearing the tee-shirts I had designed for the event. I was honored to design it for Brian, and it was particularly gratifying seeing a sea of images I created staring back at me!

Worm's Warriors RULE!

I also had the pleasure of meeting Joe and Joe LaRose who did such a terrific job printing up the tee-shirts. Their company is Logo Express and you can check out their website here! Take a look! They do great work!

You may have missed this fundraiser, but there will be future events. If you are interested in information or would like to make a donation, the contact email address is bcwfundraisingcommittee.gmail.com.

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord which control voluntary muscle movement. As ALS progresses, it effects the muscles associated with speech, swallowing, chewing and breathing. The median onset of this horrifying disease is 50 years old. Unfortunately, Brian was diagnosed with ALS in June of 2010 at the youthful age of 26. The goal of Brian’s family and friends is to raise money to eliminate financial stress off the Williams family and provide Brian with funds to maintain his quality of life. Since this is the first annual event at Duffers, we are starting off with a big bang.

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