Here’s a photo I took as part of an art school course during the Fall of 1982. It’s a storm pipe somewhere in the vicinity of the pond in Westville, New Jersey if I remember correctly. It was in-between a few frames I shot at the pond so I figured I shot this one there as well. People from that neck of the woods may recognize it and know it’s exact location. For me, it’s been quite a while since I’ve been in that area.
The Photo Elective
Back in the 1980s, I went to art school, and I along with all of the other illustration majors were required to take a minor course in photography. We had to shoot the photos as well as process the negatives and make prints. I don’t recall what the particulars of the class assignments were although I can tell from looking at the negatives which were the assignments and which ones were shot just to finish off a roll. The shots to finish a roll are a lot more interesting. While my fellow students mostly resided and shot their photographs in the vibrant metropolis of Philadelphia, I lived and did most of my shooting in and around the staid and solid small town of Westville, New Jersey.