Today I continue posting a collection of glass negatives from 100 or so years ago. There’s about 200 5″ x 7″ glass negatives, and from what I’ve been able to determine so far, they were shot by John B. Capewell who lived in Westville, New Jersey. Click HERE to see more of John’s work in The Capewell Glass Negative Collection.
This looks to be Henry and John B Capewell Junior posing with a dog in front of a sizable snowman in Southern New Jersey. Henry was born in 1908 so this is photograph was probably shot somewhere around 1911 to 1912.
This looks to be a series of shots that their father, John, was excited to shoot. Notice that the boys are dressed in their sailor outfits that they wore in the photos I posted last week. Also note that they’re not wearing their winter coats for this outdoor frolic. Dad was apparently keen to shoot their impressive snowman.
All is going well. The boys, the dog and their frozen friend are all getting along perfectly well when the snowman falls out of favor and is apparently accused of a horrendous crime.
The trial begins and the natives dramatically enumerate the charges against their frosty former friend.
Frosty is found guilty. The sentence is death by firing squad.
The Capewell Glass Negative Collection
Week 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6