Here’s another image from the Capewell Glass Negative Collection shot by John B. Capewell of Westville, New Jersey about 100 years ago. I don’t know who the woman is, but if you have been following this series of posts at Willceau Illo News, you’ll recognize the lodgepole chair she’s seated in. The chair was also in the photo of the Capewell boys and the shot of the baby from last week.
Here is the entire image from the 5″ x 7″ glass negative.
Below is my original shot of the 5 x 7 glass negative which I had placed on a small light box and shot with a Nikon L11 locked down on a tripod. The image was cropped and adjusted in Photoshop.
Before I started fiddling around with the levels of the digital image in Photoshop it had a bluish cast that I liked a lot. Here’s the blue detail shot:
…and here is the whole negative inverted but otherwise unadjusted:
If anybody is related to the Capewells or if you know who this woman is, please email me or comment on the post. I am slowly but surely piecing together information on these fascinating photographs and the man who shot them due to the help of friends and interested parties out there on the world wide web. What I’m hoping is that somebody out there is viewing a photo of a relative from 100 years ago.
Thanks for looking and come back next week for MORE!