John B. Capewell of Westville, NJ is back with the same two lads that were featured in last week’s photo. Capewell is once again activating his camera’s shutter with a length of string while his comrades pose. When I was prepping this negative for this post, I thought the guys were clowning around a dumping ground with part of what looks like a crudely constructed dormer separated from a barn or some similar building. On closed examination, it looks like there is some stones or masonry work at the base of this wooden structure. It looks like this “dormer” is set into that hill. I don’t know what it is and why it’s there, but Capewell figured it was worth a glass negative.
Here is the whole glass negative:
Note the rickety fence in the upper right corner. It reminds me of the production design work of the great William Cameron Menzies on Invaders from Mars. He had fences in that movie which looked very similar. I thought they were overly stylized, but I guess I was wrong.
Below is the negative before making adjustments.
As with all of the photographs in the Capewell Collection, I placed the 5″ x 7″ glass negative on a lightbox and shot them with a digital camera locked down on a tripod. The “processing” was done digitally on a Mac using Adobe Photoshop.
The Capewell Glass Negative Collection
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