Tag Archives: 1900

A Neoclassical Mystery SOLVED!

I posted this monument/fountain not knowing what or where it was or is, hoping that one of my faithful readers would come through, and my readers came through! A couple people suggested that this was in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park, but … Continue reading

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Lady in the Yard

Sadly, I have no idea who this woman was, but John Capewell of Westville, New Jersey saw fit to commit her image to glass negative. Judging from the lady’s style of dress this looks like it was shot some time … Continue reading

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Girl with a Bouquet

I’m not sure who the girl is, but it looks as if she was preparing for a cotillion or maybe a Sweet 16, and John Capewell decided to capture her for posterity on glass negatives.

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Snow Plough

Here’s a photograph John B. Capewell made of a cold and snowy Winter’s day about 100 or years ago or so. Back then a plough served two purposes. It mainly ploughed farm fields which were plentiful in New Jersey at … Continue reading

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Chariots of Fire

Being that the Olympics are currently ongoing, I figured I would drag out this series of glass negatives of a track team shot by John B. Capewell of Westville, New Jersey between 100 and 110 years ago. Capewell is the … Continue reading

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Wading Children and a Rowboat

I’m trying to stick with the watery theme I’ve been keeping in recent posts. This was shot by John B. Capewell of Westville, New Jersey although I doubt that this is Westville. I don’t think it’s the Delaware River either. … Continue reading

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On the Delaware River

We’re back on the water again this week but this time we have a larger boat and a larger body of water. Being that the photographer John B. Capewell lived in Westville, New Jersey, I think it’s safe to assume … Continue reading

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