More Experimenting with KOLA Filters


As I explained in a previous post, KOLA is a set of eight color filters that you hold in your hand and place over the lens or the flash of your camera to color your photos. I’ve been experimenting this week with doubling and tripling the various lenses to see what effects I could get, along with some digital finagling in Photoshop. 


I began by setting up a tripod and shot the apples, then applied the red, light blue, and green filters.


I brought them into Photoshop as separate layers, rearranged the order of the layers, and played with the various blending modes.


It needed contrast, so I duplicated the original photo and went to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation and moved the Saturation slider all the way to the left. The image was improved, but it could be pushed a little more.

ThresholdI duplicated the desaturated layer, and went back up to the menu to Image> Adjustments>Threshold to the default setting of 128. Then to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur pushed the slider enough to avoid an outline and to bump up the contrast.

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2 Responses to More Experimenting with KOLA Filters

  1. oldnfo says:

    Okay you lost me… 🙂 But it looks nice!

  2. Tina says:

    I lost me too! 🙂

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