Every Jar Has Its Lid

jt_x_Page_1My tenth anniversary card to Joe. The theme of our wedding was Every jar has its lid so I picked up on that for the tenth anniversary card. We never did determine who was the jar and who was the lid.

This was from 2006. We’ll pull some of our cards we made for each other throughout the years and post them here. Stay tuned!


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3 Responses to Every Jar Has Its Lid

  1. Wyatt Earp says:


  2. Joe Williams says:

    Thanks. Come October it will be 13 years.

    Hey, how do you make the cool little icons? I’m new to WordPress and am lucky that I figured out how to change the header and background image.

  3. yinka says:

    This is an interesting piece that has so many interpretations to my own understanding. To me it means that people should not give up or feel rejected. Everyone has a partner in this world and it just takes time and patience for the jar to find the the right lid. Thanks so much for this posting because it brigthens my day whenever I read it and also I am thinking of ordering it for my wedding invitation card.

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