I had a bit of Photoshop fun with a lackluster photograph of a spectacular structure in South Philadelphia.
My son and I were walking to one of the few movie theaters left in Philadelphia to take in the latest Mission Impossible film which I highly recommend, and I had my camera on me as is usual so I availed myself of the local scenery. It was later in the afternoon so buildings facing the West were gloriously lit in golden hues. Buildings facing the East were somewhat less fortunate being behind the sun. I shot pictures East and West anyway to see what I could salvage.
I took this lackluster photo of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church located at 1404 S 3rd Street in South Philadelphia and turned it into something out of a Hammer Horror film. I had always been a film aficionado and have always come across the term day for night. I always thought it was somewhat of a derogatory term in that the film crew wouldn’t spring for the money it would take to rent the lights and equipment to properly shoot at night, but I guess it’s not always so. Under the right conditions, it can be very effective. It’s only now that I grasp it’s full meaning.