Visual Metaphor • Climb Every Mountain

This is another in a series of visual metaphors that I provide as a learning tool for executive coaches in order to develop their clients’ leadership skills. The visual metaphor in this case is a three panel, sequential cartoon that illustrates this executive’s current career state, a transitional state and a successful final state that sees the individual flourish in the company.

This is the client’s description of her particular leadership challenges from which I derive my illustrations:

FRAME 1          I’m at the base camp with a team that has successfully made the summit of smaller mountains.  With reasonably good weather, the team is confident to start but challenged with tougher conditions and new team members.  There’s uncertainty mixed with the past achievements.

FRAME 2          The team is in base camp training learning about this particular challenge, learning to trust each other’s skills, bringing in new resources where needed to supplement, and getting ready for the climb.

FRAME 3          The team is at the summit having learned a lot about themselves, developed new skills, acquired trust in the team, and achieved success in the most difficult of circumstances.  Group is a true team.

Below are the illustrations I provided for this assignment. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger view.

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2 Responses to Visual Metaphor • Climb Every Mountain

  1. Old NFO says:

    Nicely done, and flows well!

  2. Joe says:


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