Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! – Rock and Roll Hell Hole!

As I said last week I was a little under the weather which slowed my sketching momentum, but I’ve been trying to catch up by drawing some drawings and cooking up some situations that happen in my Teenage Beast story. Rather than jot down notes, I am doodling out the events of the story. Like movies or comics, it’s a tale told in pictures. When I write down  ideas, I get bogged down in a lot of useless character details and needless background information. With the sketches I am jumping around from key moment to key moment and diving into the heart of the story. Besides, I like looking at my drawings a lot more than reading my chicken-scratch hand writing.

As far as where the story is going, it winds up at a punk club where Brian Bubonic and The Plague is the headlining act. Our main character enters the club in his human form, but things go downhill as the evening progresses. The teenager becomes more beastly and chaos erupts at the club. He is the one bad apple that spoils everyone’s anarchic good time to the extreme.

The punk rock girl realizes too late that maybe hair metal bands weren’t as lame as she thought they were. She doesn’t end up too well as do the rest of the concert goers. They went to their last all-ages show. None of them are getting any older.

Once again, I am working in a 7 inch by 10 inch Canson XL Mixed Media pad. I am favoring my Sailor Fude De Mannen  fountain pen, but I am using whatever else I have that has black, waterproof ink in it. I will say that I’m glad that the Sailor pen is refillable. I have refilled it several times. I would have exhausted several disposable pens by now which are not cheap.

Sailor Fude De Mannen Fountain Pen with 55º Nib

These sketches are works in progress. I am perfecting the overall look of these characters and experimenting with approaches to the finishes. I’m not sure where this will all go, but I am enjoying the trip.

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2 Responses to Rock! Rock! Rock! Rock! – Rock and Roll Hell Hole!

  1. Old NFO says:

    Sigh… I don’t have ANY fountain pens. Too many years of flying for a living.

  2. Joe says:

    They seem to be very popular just lately particularly in Japan.

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