Tag Archives: black and white

82 Years Ago Today…

…my parents were wed.

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Femme Fatale

Here’s another Photo Elective shot by Tina Garceau. As I’ve written before, all sophomore students majoring in illustration at The Philadelphia College of Art were required to take a minor course in photography where the students would take and process … Continue reading

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Nature’s Abstractions

This is a twisted old tree in Lansdowne that I have been passing by and admiring for years. It’s not the first time I have shot it, and it won’t be the last.

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Feline Friday

Plywood looks as if he is posing regally to have his picture taken. He is actually sitting on an old Mac Mini because it is warm.

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The Old Homestead

Here is a shot of my parents’ house in Westville, NJ that I took sometime during the Fall of 1982. The Sears branded SLR camera I shot this with was borrowed from my Father and was loaded with either a … Continue reading

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The Counter at Bill’s No. 7

Here is another scanned 35mm negative in the Photo Elective category. We’re back inside Bill’s No. 7 which was on Main Street in downtown Willimantic, Connecticut. I must have been in there between the breakfast and lunch rush. At its … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Photo Restoration, Photography, The Photo Elective | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Inside Bill’s No. 7

Here’s another scanned 35mm negative in the Photo Elective category. This one was from the interior of a fantastic old diner on Main Street in downtown Willimantic, Connecticut. Through the window you can see Willimantic’s famous foot bridge. All sophomore … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Photo Restoration, Photography, Pixels Versus Pigment, The Photo Elective | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment