Tag Archives: Hackintosh

Making it a Mac

The pile of PC parts that runs Mac’s operating system is referred to as a Hackintosh because you have to Hack the system with a few software workarounds in order for the software to cooperate with the non-Apple hardware.

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Love is Lovelier…

…the second time around!Here are the two Hackintoshes or CustoMacs I’ve built. They are PCs I’ve put together, and on which I’ve installed Apple’s OS. For most all intents and purposes, they act and operate just like Macs. On top … Continue reading

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More thoughts on the Hackintosh

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Taking it for a spin…

It could be argued that building a CustoMac mini represents a false economy in that time is money and a lot of time and frustration could have been saved by just going to the Apple store and buying one of … Continue reading

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Did it work?

Last time I told you about assembling the PC from the list of parts provided by Tonymacx86. I have worked on and torn apart Macs and PCs before, but this was the first one I ever built. There was some … Continue reading

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Assembling the PC that will become a Mac

Originally, I thought I would painstakingly and carefully document the construction of this small PC and this post would be a visual guide to newbies such as myself. That did not happen. The obsession with the process and eagerness to … Continue reading

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Get a Hack

I finally took the plunge and built a Hackintosh. For those of you not in the know, a Hackintosh is an assemblage of PC components that will run the Mac operating system with the help of a few hacks and … Continue reading

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