I’d Like to Sell the World Some Seeds


Miss Jackson was one in a seemingly endless army of satisfied sales-children happily selling seeds to friends, family and neighbors and reaping the rewards of CASH-money or really BOSS prizes.

The seed company must have done all right with these advertisements because they ran in comics for decades. I always wonder about the kids pictured in the ads. Were they for real? Were these kids actual sales dynamos selling neighbors and church groups seeds by the ton? I’d like to hear a modern day testimonial from one of these seed salesmen.

These ads ran for as long as I read comics as a kid in the 1970s, but they must have dried up sometime after that. I wonder why. Was it that comics dropped out of sight at newsstands and convenience stores in favor of being sold directly to comic specialty shops?

Did the kids get lazy favoring time wasters emerging in the 1980s such as video games and music videos over entrepreneurialism?

Or did their parents get paranoid about letting their children go door-to-door trying to talk strangers into buying seeds. STRANGER DANGER! All the kid wanted to do was sell his way to a really nifty tape recorder or chemistry set, and now his most recent class picture is featured on a special missing persons episode of Dateline. It was the worst thing a parent could imagine. NOPE! The kids are staying home!

Come to think of it, when was the last time you saw a paper boy?

The seed ad appeared in Navy Gobs ‘n’ Gals featuring Sad Sack published by Harvey Comics in 1973.

sadsackIt was a terrible comic, and I don’t imagine that my brother John who I wrote about last week would have purchased it. We knew it was bad even back then. It made Beetle Bailey seem like high literature in comparison. I’m not sure how this wound up in my collection.

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9 Responses to I’d Like to Sell the World Some Seeds

  1. Pamela Radamaker Kennedy says:

    Yes…I will be 69 this year …and I was an American seed dynamo entrepreneur child. I earned the complete archery set …and many other items selling American Seeds… door-to-door… in our track home development…and I had repeat customers. I had so much fun attaching targets to haystacks and shooting my bows and arrows!

  2. Joe says:

    Thanks so much for commenting! I am so happy to hear from somebody who did well with one of these ads! AND you scored an archery set! Fantastic!

  3. Pamela Radamaker Kennedy says:

    Wow…I didn’t

  4. Pamela Radamaker Kennedy says:

    Wow…I didn’t think you would read my comment…. because you wrote this in 2013. Thanks for your reply!

  5. Joe says:

    Yes, we’re still here! We still publish about the things we love and the things we do. Willceau Illo News is the junk drawer of our souls! We love that there is always someone new finding one of our articles for the first time. Thanks so much!

  6. Luke says:

    I sold the seeds also. And went door to door collecting newspaper and tin, mowed and raked lawns, picked strawberries, delivered newspapers, and pretty much anything and everything to make a few dollars.

    We grew up in a nice neighborhood, in a nice house, but my parents were extremely stingy about allowances. Oh well…….at least I learned a decent work ethic young. These days I am totally content with NOT working.

  7. Joe says:

    Thanks so much for commenting, Luke! You are inspiring me to dig through some old comics to look for some ads!

  8. Luke says:

    I loved the ads in the more adult magazines that promoted some questionable locksmith school, and how all of your “future” worries would be taken care of.

  9. Joe says:

    The ads were a big part of the comic book experience. I sorely miss them.

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