Tag Archives: ad

Pathos in a Pencil?

I found this unusual advertisement for artist pencils in a 1976 issue of American Artist. Ads nowadays usually push whimsy to would-be artists — never pathos.

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Sexy at Any Size?

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AAAAAY! Wear the Fonz!

This Fonz T Shirt ad appeared in Justice League of America No. 138 published by DC comics in 1977.

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You Look Like a GANGSTER!

Here ya go, kid! Do me a favor — run this across the street for me.

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2 to 6 Inches Guaranteed

I found this unlikely claim in issue #186 of The Incredible Hulk published by Marvel Comics in 1975. I’m wondering what the folks at Tall-Up provided for 35¢ and how they could possibly guarantee results. All ages? No gimmicks? Really? … Continue reading

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Too Good to be True

Even the grade school boys at which this ad was squarely aimed knew this was too good to be true.

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YECCH!!! Looks, Feels Real!

The Finger Factory? Was it a cottage industry or was there a brick and mortar building where workers punched a time clock to crank out life-like severed fingers?

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