Tag Archives: 1975

Not Just Astonishing — VERY Astonishing

There’s not much more that I can say beyond this advertisement’s astounding copy. Read it for yourself! I am a little confused as to how this gizmo worked, and I think that was intentional. It was probably worth half a … Continue reading

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A James Bond Bait and Switch

I remember seeing this issue of The Deadly Hands of Kung Fu back in 1975 sitting on a shelf among lurid detective magazines and other black and white comics like Creepy and Eerie at Davis Drug in Westville, NJ. I … Continue reading

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Flying a Kite at Night?

I was flipping through an old comic when I came across this advertisement which made me think of the truly terrible 1979 version of Dracula starring Frank Langella as the count and Laurence Olivier recycling his awful accent from A … Continue reading

Posted in Halloween, What I Miss About Comics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Barbershop Comics

Some deep cleaning in work turned up a wonderful stack of old comics. I’m not sure who the comics belonged to and nobody currently working there has laid any claim to them. I refer to this odd stack of funny … Continue reading

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What I Miss About Comics – Perfectly Legitimate Ads

This along with a number of other classified style advertisements for perfectly legitimate products and services appeared in Marvel Spotlight No. 25 published by Marvel Comics in 1975. It was a comic adaptation of Ray Harryhausen’s 1958 fantasy epic The … Continue reading

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Peace Through Superior Firepower

So for a $1.98, am I protecting myself and my loved ones with steely fists or a board I can carry anywhere?

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2 to 6 Inches Guaranteed

I found this unlikely claim in issue #186 of The Incredible Hulk published by Marvel Comics in 1975. I’m wondering what the folks at Tall-Up provided for 35¢ and how they could possibly guarantee results. All ages? No gimmicks? Really? … Continue reading

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