Visual Metaphor: Sports, Mountains and Music

This is another in a series of visual metaphors that I provide as a learning tool for executive coaches in order to develop their clients’ leadership skills. This visual metaphor is a three panel, sequential cartoon that illustrates this client’s current career state, a transitional state and a successful final state that sees the individual flourish in the company. Below is this man’s description of his particular leadership challenges from which I derive my illustrations:

I’m a scout looking for talent – like the college football coach.  This is a searching image.

This is a finding image.  I’ve climbed to the summit and I can see all the pieces.  I have a great sense of clarity regarding both my purpose and the resources available to me.

This is an image of having control.  I’m an orchestra conductor.  I have that beautiful vantage point with everything under me and I can see the entire performance unfolding in front of me.  I’m recognized as the leader and I have control over what’s happening,  and all is going well.

I selected this visual metaphor as being highly typical of what I do. In a lot of cases, the client compares his or her career to a sporting event, climbing a mountain or conducting an orchestra. This particular metaphor had all three!

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2 Responses to Visual Metaphor: Sports, Mountains and Music

  1. Old NFO says:

    Nicely done!

  2. Joe says:


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