Tag Archives: 1965

What I Miss About Comics — Shoe Freaks

Back when this advertisement ran, an extra $5 to $20 in your wallet went a long way! There were a lot of ads like this for what are now referred to as side gigs or side hustles in the pages … Continue reading

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William Shatner, Star of “For The People?”

Before the Promise margarine commercials; well before T.J. Hooker, and a bit before he sat on the bridge of the Enterprise, the Shat sat on the panel of What’s My Line? in 1965 where avuncular host John Charles Daly introduced him … Continue reading

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The Fantastic Four From Liverpool

The guy on the right is Ringo or possibly Jerry Lewis. The other guys are John, George and Paul or possibly any one of the members of Freddie and the Dreamers.

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