Tag Archives: 1971

Confronting Destiny in a Comic Book

I’m not sure whether this is a public service announcement or an advertisement for a graphic arts position at the company that published this comic book. There are no specifics about applying for a job so I am leaning towards … Continue reading

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BARNABAS! Dark Shadows Paperbacks

This was an ad for a series of paperback novels based on the wildly popular gothic horror soap opera series Dark Shadows. This was like a number of shows in the 1960s that through some quirk of fate caught the … Continue reading

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A Hundred Horrific Pages for Half a Buck!

A buddy of mine chased down a well-worn and well loved comic that he had once owned and lost to the vagaries of time and fortune. It’s DC Super Spectacular No. 4 and was published by DC Comics in 1971. … Continue reading

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A Familiar Face

As is usually the case, I was looking for something else when I came across an old stash of comics books. I immediately forgot about whatever I was originally looking for as I gleefully thumbed through my four-colored, battered beauties. … Continue reading

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Syd Kushner W I D E S H O E S

Advertisement for a Philadelphia shoe store from a November 23, 1971 edition of the Courier Post, a Southern New Jersey newspaper.

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Analog Computer?

Isn’t that a contradiction in terms?

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The Fantastic Four From Liverpool

The guy on the right is Ringo or possibly Jerry Lewis. The other guys are John, George and Paul or possibly any one of the members of Freddie and the Dreamers.

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