Tag Archives: 1964

We are now in control of the transmission

This illustration which I cobbled together in my absolute favorite vector art program Affinity Designer is sort of a response to my last illustration which featured former television icon Bonnie Franklin. Whereas Ms Franklin’s televised efforts in the situation comedy … Continue reading

Posted in Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment, Technique, Weird World of the Roku | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Fantastic Four From Liverpool

The guy on the right is Ringo or possibly Jerry Lewis. The other guys are John, George and Paul or possibly any one of the members of Freddie and the Dreamers.

Posted in What I Miss About Comics | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Zombacalypse NOW

Last week I looked at the legendarily bad Plan 9 From Outer Space and the sadly forgotten Invisible Invaders both of which are forerunners to the modern zombie genre that George Romero kicked off with his classic Night of the … Continue reading

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Sunday Matinee – The Atomic Brain

This film which was also known as Monstrosity is an utter piece of crap, but it’s one of those things that I saw on Dr. Shock when I was in grade school, and it remained lodged in some dusty corner … Continue reading

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