Tag Archives: decay

Boot & Saddle Bar

This is a shot from a while back before the iconic Boot and Saddle sign on South Broad Street was restored. It was a wondrous relic in its decay, but now it looks as it did when it was first … Continue reading

Posted in Looking South, Philadelphia, Photography, South Philly Safari | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Wandering around South Philly

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The Pumpkin of Dorian Gray

Some people have trouble letting go. Spotted on South Broad Street in South Philadelphia.

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Glorious Relic

Another glorious neon relic from a bygone era sadly in need of restoration, but I don’t think there is the money, interest or will. A beautiful job was done on the Boot and Saddle sign just up the street, but … Continue reading

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The Teeth That Bite

Somewhere along the subway lines in Philadelphia, PA. Fortunately, the station was deserted so it wasn’t like I was blocking the path.

Posted in Adventures in Commuting, Philadelphia, photo manipulation, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Sole of the Boot

Rumor is that they’re renovating to reopen, but it’s quiet.

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