Tag Archives: Market-Frankford

Somewhere in West Philadelphia

60th Street stop to be exact. I haven’t done one of my worm’s eye view shots in a while, and I was pleased with the way this one came out.

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Stuck on a Stalled Elevated Train

The train sat on the tracks outside of 69th Street for reasons unknown so the combination of boredom and the availability of a camera are why I present you this vista today.

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The Girl with the Buddy Holly Glasses and the Betty Page Hair

This was a gal I saw on the Market-Frankford El that got off of the train somewhere in University City. I scribbled down a quick sketch, and I did this on the way home from memory on the El.

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The Westbound Coming into 13th Street

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End of the Line

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Market-Frankford El Headed for Frankford

I timed this shot just right. I saw the train coming around the bend, so I put my camera on a 10 second timer and hoped for the best. Lucky shot. I caught the train just as it pulled in.

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