

You’re probably wondering why I have a plastic beefcake figurine perched on a row of cupcakes. Is it Rex Reed’s birthday? Nope. The reason is today marks the 4th Anniversary of Willceau Illo News!!! We’ve always referred to it as “the junk drawer of our souls”- a mishmash of our various obsessions and interests. I’m happy to say that in four years our site has grown by leaps and bounds, so I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone (besides my blood relatives) who stop by, comment, pin, and link to us. It astounds me daily.

(P.S. If you want a beefcake figurine of your very own, you can get one at Fante’s.)

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3 Responses to Four!

  1. Don DeLorme says:


  2. biboye says:

    congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for all the helpful information on your site.

  3. Tina says:

    Don – Thanks, I’ll save you a cupcake!
    Bebe – Thank you – don’t forget the chicken on Tuesday.

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