I originally thought this was going to be a simple short post where I would gather all of the small, mainly inexpensive sketchbooks I’ve been doodling in; line them all up and shoot pictures of their sticker encrusted covers. How many could there be stretching back to The Sketchbook from Heaven in 2017? Five , maybe?

Two-Headed Monster
A perfunctory search of my cluttered studio turned up eleven little sketchbooks, and there may be more!
I was going to take my photo but I started leafing through the various doodle pads and coming across sketches I don’t even remember doing. Before I knew it, the evening had gotten away from me, and the post I wanted to do will have to wait.
I’ve always carried sketchbooks around with me, but I’m not sure when I became determined to finish off a sketchbook before starting another one. My personal trend may have started when I took it as my mission to kill off the decades old Sketchbooks from Hell that littered the studio mocking my attempts at artistry with their blank pages. I’m not sure. I would consult my biographer if I had one.
What were the sketches about? Everything and anything. They were either story ideas I was chasing down or stuff that unconsciously rolled from my pencil tip on to the page. As I flipped through the sketchpads there were a lot of “Oh, yeah” moments as well as a whole lot of “What the hell was I thinking?” moments.
For now, I’m going to stick with my small sketchbooks as they are comfortable to curl up with on the couch and easy to carry on a commute.
I will search my studio again for any more little sketchbooks that I polished off within the past ten years or so and present the article I meant to publish. Stay tuned!
LOL, time sinks… we can ALL haz them!
Speaking of time sinks, the other day the internet cut out. No digital distractions. It was nice.