Monthly Archives: June 2023

Friday Five – Number One Hundred Fifty Four

One hundred fifty fourth in a continued series creating a collage using five elements.

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Sexy at Any Size?

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Gumball Gangsters

The best Italian cook in the business. Gifted with a super set of tastebuds, serving up a perfect plate Italian food with the perfect complimentary wine is a work of art. Problem is Sally is his own cooking`s biggest fan. … Continue reading

Posted in Curious Clutter, News, Philadelphia, Trash or Treasure | Tagged | 1 Comment

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies

These cookies were The Boy’s idea, last week it was chocolate chip muffins, I sense a theme. These cookies are chewy and chocolately and delish!

Posted in Lovin' from the Oven, News | Tagged , , | 1 Comment


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Friday Five – Number One Hundred Fifty Three

One hundred fifty third in a continued series creating a collage using five elements.

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Join the swinging world of MUSIC!

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