Tag Archives: freelance

The Wonder of White Bread

This was another cartoon spot illustration that I did for The Philadelphia Daily News as part of “The Secret Life of Food.” It ran with the shivering banana that I featured here at Willceau Illo News recently. Similar to the … Continue reading

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Chambers of Commerce – Get a Tattoo!

Back when tattoos were still novel and newspapers had readers and thus advertising revenue and thus budgets to hire freelance artists, I did this cartoon for The Philadelphia Daily News. My illustrations accompanied an article entitled Chambers of Commerce which … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sign of the Times

Back in 1991, I got a freelance assignment illustrating an article on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for a local paper. Everybody knows what OCD is now, but I was unfamiliar with it at the time. It seemed that new manias and … Continue reading

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