Tag Archives: Philadelphia Daily News

The Wonder of White Bread

This was another cartoon spot illustration that I did for The Philadelphia Daily News as part of “The Secret Life of Food.” It ran with the shivering banana that I featured here at Willceau Illo News recently. Similar to the … Continue reading

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Chambers of Commerce – Get a Tattoo!

Back when tattoos were still novel and newspapers had readers and thus advertising revenue and thus budgets to hire freelance artists, I did this cartoon for The Philadelphia Daily News. My illustrations accompanied an article entitled Chambers of Commerce which … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Lost and FOUND!

A little digging turned up the tear sheet featuring the shivering banana from yesterday’s post. It was for an article in the The Philadelphia Daily News titled “The secret life of food,” and it was published on August 28, 1996. … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Curious Clutter, Food, Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments