Tag Archives: mystery

Sofa Sketches and an Obscure Remake

I’ve been sitting on the sofa with a sketchbook in my lap trying out some of my new art materials and playing around with a few I forgot I had. I should be up at my desk in my studio, … Continue reading

Posted in It Came From the Sketchbook, Sketch, Stuff Joe Likes, Weird World of the Roku, What's on TV? | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

A Lady Cabbie and George Sanders’ Brother

Here’s another satisfying but forgotten mystery movie the likes of which used to play regularly at local movie houses when there were local movie houses. Eventually films like this would pad out the schedules of local UHF channels to be … Continue reading

Posted in Movie Matinee, Weird World of the Roku | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Girl Who Dared

One of the beefs that people level at Netflix’s streaming service is that there’s nothing to watch. I don’t know about that. While it’s true that the studios seem to be bickering with Netflix over how much their libraries are … Continue reading

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Found! A Print from The Capewell Glass Negative Collection!

Through some internet detective work, we have uncovered another piece of the puzzle in the mystery of the Capewell Glass Negative Collection. The man seated to the left of the photo next to John B. Capewell on the right is … Continue reading

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