Tag Archives: Raine Szramski

Pixels Vs. Pigment – Make Up Your Mind!!!

Ink from a bottle or digital ink? The ENDLESS STRUGGLE continues, but this time the turmoil is WITHIN as I cast aside the new digital techniques and once again embrace the tools of old!

Posted in It Came From the Sketchbook, Monkey & Bird, Pixels Versus Pigment, Technique | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Raining on Raine’s Parade

Last week, I rushed to the defense of Raine Szramski and her time proven choice to use traditional methods in the creation of her art. She had received some unsolicited advice that she should cast aside all of the ancient … Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Technique | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Raine! Raine! Don’t Go Away! or Pigments Versus Pixels

Recently, incredible illustrator and friend of Willceau Illo, Raine Szramski received some unsolicited advice about her art and her technique. She wrote about it on Facebook: I just had someone ask me why I’m bothering to paint my comic by … Continue reading

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