Tag Archives: raisins

Hobo Bread

Hobo bread originally was a simple bread made without eggs, baked over a campfire in a tin can. Since beans were a staple of most hobos during the Depression, it made sense that they reused the empty cans for heating … Continue reading

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Apple Raisin Braided Bread

Now that the weather is getting cooler, I’ve been baking again. Braided breads are always fun to make, on Sunday I combined apples and raisins into this marvelous, sturdy dough –  baked in a cast iron skillet. When cool, I … Continue reading

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Oatmeal Cookies

There are a few weeks left of packing lunches before school is out for the summer. I hadn’t made oatmeal cookies in a while – I really needed to break out of my chocolate chip – peanut butter – M&M’s … Continue reading

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