Tag Archives: restaurant

Chambers of Commerce – Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Long before fine dining in Philadelphia took place in makeshift shacks made of forklift palette wood and plastic tarpaulins haphazardly situated on the pavements and streets outside of the actual brick-and-mortar restaurants, people read newspapers. They were actual newsprint newspaper … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Chestnut House

Back in the 1980s, I went to art school, and I along with all of the other illustration majors were required to take a minor course in photography. We had to shoot the photos as well as process the negatives … Continue reading

Posted in Blast from the Past, The Photo Elective | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Back to School and Back to Work

Beneath Market Street along the Market-Frankford Line.

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The Raths-Keller

Here is this week’s ad taken from the program for the play L’Aiglon starring Maude Adams which played in Philadelphia at The Broad Street Theater in 1901. The Raths-Keller was located in The Betz Building on Broad Street near Chestnut in Philadelphia. It was … Continue reading

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Wrecking Ball

As I was digging through my filing cabinet looking for stuff for my retrospective of DUCKWORK, I found this page from an old school catalog showing what once was the Philadelphia College of Art. The blue border shows the boundaries … Continue reading

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Why I Love Philly

BOMB BOMB BAR-B-Q Grill Occasionally my son and I wander aimlessly along the streets and alleys of the City of Brotherly Love seeking sites we have seen or may have missed or never knew were there. It’s similar to a … Continue reading

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Dating Disasters

I did this for Boulder Magazine a couple of years ago and had a good time working on it. This was one of three illustrations I did to accompany an article on when dates go bad. This is my favorite … Continue reading

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