Tag Archives: Rocky

Italian Market Festival 2019 – Day Two

Posted in Italian Market, News, Philadelphia | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Where Rocky Got Hitched

I just watched Rocky II for the first time in years. In it Rocky makes Adrian an honest woman, and the film makers showed the facade of a Church. I figured it had to be in Philly, but where? A … Continue reading

Posted in Philadelphia, South Philly Safari | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Looking South – Rocky and his Croissant

This little fella resides in the giant oak trees that surround our local pool. I recognize him for his brown fur and ratty in the middle tail. The trash cans at the pool provides a smorgasbord for my little rodent … Continue reading

Posted in News, Philadelphia, Photography | Tagged , , | 2 Comments