Tag Archives: tile


I shot this while waiting for the subway a little over 11 years ago and promptly forgot about it. I guess that is what happens when you shoot thousands of pictures. Most of them are forgotten including the analog shots. … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures in Commuting, Philadelphia, Photography | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Tiled Thresholds – AMICO

This one is a little worse for wear, but it’s a beautiful type treatment.

Posted in Looking South, Philadelphia | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Ellsworth-Federal Stop

What do you do when the train is late and you’re bored?

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Beating up a boring photo with GIMP and Affinity Photo.

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Up to Broad Street

Ellsworth Stop on the Broad Street Line.

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Water, Tile and Fluorescent Lighting

A very wet train platform at 69th Street Terminal.

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Beneath Market Street

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