Tag Archives: transit


I shot this while waiting for the subway a little over 11 years ago and promptly forgot about it. I guess that is what happens when you shoot thousands of pictures. Most of them are forgotten including the analog shots. … Continue reading

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Broad Street Subway Substation No. 7

I spied this hidden gem as I was walking South on Broad Street. This architectural beauty dates from 1929 and is located at 408-10 S. Juniper Street. Juniper runs parallel to Broad Street, and I shot this from a parking … Continue reading

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Heading to 69th Street

Heading to the 69th Street Terminal aboard the Market-Frankford Elevated Train.

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My Ride to Art School

Back in the 1980s, I went to art school, and I along with all of the other illustration majors were required to take a minor course in photography. We had to shoot the photos as well as process the negatives … Continue reading

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Route 34

The trolley

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The Photo Elective – The Broadway Deli

Back in the 1980s, I went to art school, and I along with all of the other illustration majors were required to take a course in photography. In order to finish off a roll of film so I could process … Continue reading

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