Envelope Pillow Cover

While cleaning out a closet, I found my son’s crib blanket. I loved that blanket and could never bear to throw it away. It was too small to use as a throw, so I decided to make pillow covers out of it. The beauty of envelope pillow covers is that when they get dirty, you can easily remove them and toss them in the wash, and they take no time at all to sew!

My pillows were 16″ – 2 sides = 32″ + 6″ for the flap and an inch on the top and bottom to hem. Starting with the long sides with the print side down, turn edge under 1/2″ press, then another 1/2″ and press. Sew along both edges.

On the top and bottom, turn the fabric over 1/2″, press, and repeat – sew along both edges.

With the print side up, fold over both sides – they will overlap. Play with it until the cover measures 16″, pin in place, then stitch up both sides. Turn the cover right side out and insert your pillow.


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