Memorial Day 2023

The FNG-Early June 1969 — Di An

More than half a century ago a skinny kid from Maryland found himself in a place he had probably never heard of — Phu Loi, Vietnam. This is Daniel Love who I met on a job about 25 years after this picture was taken, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him. Every time I turn on a computer or fire up some image editing software, I think of Dan who so generously offered his time, knowledge and equipment.

Sadly Dan succumbed to the effects of Agent Orange a little over three years ago. He is missed.

Self Portrait Texass

Dan wrote the caption below this self-portrait:

Self Portrait “Texass”

Fort Bliss, Texas, not much to do in Fort Bliss, but play pool and make sure you weren’t in the way when someone got their ass kicked.

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2 Responses to Memorial Day 2023

  1. Old NFO says:

    May he rest in peace. Never forget.

  2. Joe says:

    Thanks as always for stopping by and commenting.

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