Tag Archives: digital illustration

School Days – The Swinging Algebra Teacher

School days, school days, dear old golden rule days, Readin’ and ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmetic… Yeah, right. We’ve arrived at ‘rithmetic with The Swinging Algebra Teacher.

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The Green Ghoul

Recently I’ve been traipsing down memory lane revisiting the people and impressions I had of grade school and junior high in the form of cartoons. Today I offer some images that I probably doodled in the margins of notebooks when … Continue reading

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School Days – The Angry Librarian

The angry librarian insisted on absolute, tomb-like silence as if Karl Wallenda was traversing a tightrope above a Bengal tiger trap in the middle of the library and absolute concentration was vital to the aerialist’s survival. Continue reading

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School Days – The Cool Substitute Teacher

The Cool Substitute Teacher circa 1974 is an illustration that fell together as I was playing with shapes in the superlative vector art program Affinity Designer. I was hoping to come up with another monster for my collection of Halloween … Continue reading

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Cosmic Maaaaaannnnn Sticks Around for Another Birthday

As I have written before, it’s Tina’s and my tradition to exchange birthday, anniversary and holiday cards we have illustrated ourselves. It’s more personal and making your own cards is a lot cheaper than a Hallmark card from one of … Continue reading

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There’s No Escape from a DEADLINE!

Back in the late 1990s I was exploring the illustrative possibilities of my newly purchased Power Mac 7300. I put a lot of time and effort chasing down what meager information I could via a dial-up modem; picking the brains … Continue reading

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Visual Metaphor – Everything Everywhere All at Once

This is another in a series of visual metaphors that I provide as a learning tool for executive coaches in order to develop their clients’ leadership skills. This visual metaphor is a three panel, sequential cartoon that illustrates this client’s … Continue reading

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