Tag Archives: summer

Bird on a Step

I didn’t use a zoom lens. I came home to find this little fella sitting on my steps and he didn’t care to move! Eventually, he did fly away – maybe he was admiring my flowers!

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The Dog Days of Summer

We’ve had about a week of temperatures in the nineties, hope things cool down soon!

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Sun Sinks in the West

Enjoying a perfect day at Jefferson Square in South Philadelphia. Summer is slowly turning to Fall and this is the perfect place to enjoy it.

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Last Weekend for The Pool

Our neighborhood pool is still open and will remain open until Labor Day. This is an unusual but welcome move for the parks and recreation department. They are usually closed by now, but I’m not going to think too hard … Continue reading

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What’s the Best Tuna?

We happened to see this creature at the Ridgway pool in South Philadelphia so we approached and asked her the age old question: What’s the best tuna? She did not have an answer and looked vaguely confused and slightly off-put … Continue reading

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It’s Too Darn Hot!

It was 97º yesterday, and the only relief we city folk could get was a dip in the local pool. It was Heaven!

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The End of Summer

Yesterday was the last day of swimming at the Murphy Pool at 3rd and Shunk in South Philadelphia.

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