Tag Archives: used

Desert Island Cinema — Laura

This is a new category I’m creating at Willceau Illo News to share the movies I can’t live without. These are the movies I would hope to have with me if I were trapped on a desert island. They are … Continue reading

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OK, Now We’re Done

With the addition of 16GB of RAM (four matched chips of 4GB RAM) my used/new-to-me Mac Pro is ready to go!

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The Dual G4 1.25 GHz Power Mac

Recently I told you of the sad passing of my son’s Gigabit Ethernet G4 Power Mac and last week we decanted its replacement. Today, I’ll take a closer look at the Dual G4 also known as the Mirror Door Drive.

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Unboxing A Dual G4 Power Mac

Last week I told you how the old G4 Gigabit Ethernet went to meet it’s maker. It’s probably in Computer Heaven now where Steve Jobs is complaining that the fans in it are too loud. I was going to buy … Continue reading

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Replacing the Kid’s eMac

Back in 2003, I purchased a G4 eMac 1 Ghz new, and I loved it. It was my first OS X machine, and it was the first computer I really enjoyed using. The Macs I used before which I still … Continue reading

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