Tag Archives: werewolf

You Can’t Keep a Good Vampire Down

Although the TV series ended in 1971, vampire Barnabas Collins continued to haunt the comic book racks of newsstands and convenience stores well into the 1970s. The comic above was published by Gold Key in 1974 — 50 years ago! … Continue reading

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Monsters Not Playing Nicely

In this week’s edition of IT CAME FROM THE SKETCHBOOK I’m featuring some of my couch doodles of monsters doing what they do when they get together which is not getting along. Monsters usually don’t play nicely with one another … Continue reading

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Monster Mash

Some things never change. I used to work on class projects in my bedroom studio in my parents’ house while a 13-inch black and white TV set played trash. Last night I was sketching for fun while watching trash from … Continue reading

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Matrimonial Mayhem and Monsters!

I continue to hack away at the Out of This World sketchbook with 2mm read leads and whatever graphite pencils I have at hand, and I accompany my doodling with trash television shows or movies streamed to my Roku box. … Continue reading

Posted in Doodle Tuesday, It Came From the Sketchbook, Weird World of the Roku, What's on TV? | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

When Werewolves Attack…

…fight like hell!

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Sketchbook • I Was a Girthy Werewolf

I continue to end my evenings on the couch with a cheap sketchbook and various pencils and erasers spread out on my lap half-watching the television usually tuned to trash. The Out of This World sketchbook continues to work its … Continue reading

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Mesmerized by a Cheap Sketchbook

My love affair with a three-dollar sketchbook meant for the juvenile market continues as I find myself doodling in it regularly. I keep it within reach in case inspiration strikes and I have to jot down a note or scribble … Continue reading

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