Category Archives: Domestic Bliss


Our 19th wedding anniversary was drawing near, and I was in a panic! It’s our tradition to make cards for each other, and I wanted to give Joe a special, classy gift – a portrait of us trapped in a … Continue reading

Posted in Collage, DIY, Domestic Bliss, Drawer Cards | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The Birds

It’s always something. No sooner did I rid myself of the ants in the kitchen, now it’s birds stealing the basil in the backyard – not just mine, my neighbor’s too. They swoop in, swipe a leaf, smirk, and fly off. They … Continue reading

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Uninvited Guests

We had an invasion last week – ants. They waltzed in through the back door and made themselves right at home. I went into full lunatic mode – ants skeeve me out! I sprayed the countertops with vinegar, ants hate … Continue reading

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DIY Laundry Detergent Update

I’ve been making my own laundry detergent for years – not only is it economical, it cleans better than any detergent I’ve ever used. Fels Naptha soap is a great stain remover, and is one of the ingredients used in this … Continue reading

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Foaming Hand Soap

Every week, I make a grocery list – sometimes it gets left behind on the kitchen table. Such was the case last week when the hand soap was running low in the bathroom and the kitchen – and I forgot … Continue reading

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Confessions of a Bride

Of course, I’m kidding. Happy Anniversary to my dear husband Joe!

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Weekend Potpourri

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