Tag Archives: Jack Webb

Dragnet into Darkness

Recognize the fellow on the right? Is that everybody’s favorite science officer from Vulcan? Or is it his evil, alternate universe doppelgänger from Mirror, Mirror? What’s he doing on Earth circa 1954? Is the guy on the left one of … Continue reading

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Jocko Madigan

I wrote a post recently about another cursed sketchbook that I bought back in the ’80s. I called this particular book The Son of Sketchbook from Hell. It was a hardbound, squarish book that resisted all efforts of committing something … Continue reading

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Deader Than A Philadelphia Nightclub

After last week’s Halloween radio matinee, I decided to offer up some more audio delights this week with the wondrous works of Mr. Jack Webb! Before he was Joe Friday; before William Holden stole his girl in Sunset Boulevard, and … Continue reading

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Tijuana Bible and Smut Peddling Ring – Today’s Sunday Matinee

This is a story from when cigarette advertising was perfectly legal, but underground comics were still underground. The story you are about to see is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. One of my favorite … Continue reading

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