Tag Archives: neighbors

Last of the Mohicans

Bay passed away about a month ago. He was part of a group of neighborhood guys who held court in the park at the end of our street. Weather permitting, they’d gather with coffee, a deck of cards, and engage … Continue reading

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Pandemic 90th Birthday Party

Covid-19 be damned – you only turn 90 once, and we were going to celebrate Jeanette’s birthday come hell or high water! The neighbors social distanced in their backyards, and two cakes and ice cream were served. Happy birthday Jeanette!

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Chocolate Bavarian Torte

It’s my neighbor’s birthday today, this is the cake I made for her celebration tonight. A three layer chocolate cake with a whipped cream icing with cream cheese, light brown sugar, topped with grated chocolate. It does require to be … Continue reading

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These gorgeous Dahlias were given to me by our lovely neighbors from their garden. The husband is a painter, who grows them to use in his paintings.

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Sponge Cake with Chocolate Frosting

Last night we celebrated my neighbor Jeanette’s 88th year on this planet. I made this cake, we had coffee, and she chuckled at the birthday card we gave her. Happy birthday to one of my favorite people on the block! 

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Apple and Honey Cake

Every fall, I find a mums plant on the wall in my backyard, it’s a gift from my neighbor who lives behind me. As I’ve said before, we’re very fortunate to have great neighbors. People who live in small towns tend to … Continue reading

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