Monthly Archives: February 2014

Waterlogged Olympians and Huey Lewis Shoes at 13th and Kimball

Spotted on the corner of 13th Street and Kimball in South Philadelphia – a hardback semi-autobiography of Michael Phelps and a two-tone shoe that was probably the height of fashion in the 1980s.

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Washington’s Old Headquarters

This is another photo John Capewell shot during a trip to Richmond Virginia. The sign by the door reads WASHINGTON’S OLD HEADQUARTERS although Washington never actually maintained a headquarters there. In chasing down information on the place, I discovered it … Continue reading

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Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cake

Yesterday was my son’s birthday and we were having some friends over for dinner. He was very specific about the menu – pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, and chips – not regular old chips, wavy chips! And chocolate cake with chocolate … Continue reading

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Lloyd, Don & Phil

I thought we were done with the birthday crowns until a couple of days ago when Lloyd mentioned that he wanted an Everly Brothers crown. Traditions are traditions, I suppose!

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Chicken Pot Pie

Chicken pot pie is one of my favorite comfort foods, along with rice pudding, and baked macaroni and cheese. I’ve been wanting to make this for a while, but didn’t have individual oven proof bowls, then it occured to me … Continue reading

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My Friend Trish

When my son began elementary school eight years ago, he came home with a flyer – the Home & School Association were looking for volunteers for a bake sale. I figured, I like to bake – sign me up! It … Continue reading

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The Folks Out Back

Some of the glass negatives shot by John B. Capewell are in terrific shape with crisp, sharp images that reproduce beautifully while others are somewhat worse for wear. This is one of the latter sadly. It’s a little blurry which … Continue reading

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