Tag Archives: Pink Zeppelin

It Came From The Sketchbook

I continue to roll along with the Out of This World sketchbook attacking it with 2mm leads and various pencils on a daily basis. I don’t know what I’m going to do once I’ve exhausted this $3 sketchpad’s 125 sheets. … Continue reading

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Pink Zeppelin – The Vector Version

IN THE FUTURE… is how these things usually start, but this terrible tale takes place IN THE PAST… A nuclear conflagration ended the world as we knew it in 1980. Hellfire rained from the sky leaving pitiful few to battle it out … Continue reading

Posted in Illustration, Pixels Versus Pigment, Technique | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Just Like Heaven

A year ago I was polishing off what turned out to be one of my all-time favorite sketchbooks which I referred to as The Sketchbook from Heaven. I tried to find or, in some cases, make a replacement, but nothing … Continue reading

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Swing and a Miss

Here is another doodle with Derwent Dark Wash pencils. This one was done in a Canson XL Mix Media pad which I will be using regularly just as soon as the Sketchbook from Heaven is exhausted which I’m sad to … Continue reading

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Flash in the Pan

More sketching and watching trash. This time thanks to the fantastic Plex App on my Roku box I am catching up on episodes of The Flash. I mainly thought of Plex as a means of streaming one’s own media, but … Continue reading

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Atomic Warrior V Pink Zeppelin

More fun with Derwent’s water soluble pencils and the Sketchbook from Heaven.

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